About Andy

Andy was born in Traben-Trarbach Germany on the banks of the Moselle, and he grew up in Athens, GA. He received a BFA with an emphasis in sculpture at the University of Georgia, where he was introduced to the metals arts. He has worked as a metal fabricator and blacksmith and took up blade smithing as a hobby. Soon after moving to Birmingham in 2018 he found himself exploring local rivers and fly fishing. One day, an epiphany came.

“As I was picking up some trash in a creek by my house, I discovered a chunk of aluminum that I could put in my knives. That simple thought ignited a plethora of ideas in my brain: What if my knives could help clean the streams that I love fishing.”

And so Edgewood Knives was born- a company that dedicates itself to the conservation of local water ways by creating the best knives in the world. Every knife is USA made and many materials locally sourced. Each knife has a soul and a story to tell.